
True North TN10 Wood Heater – Heats 100+m2

Original price was: $2,539.00.Current price is: $2,299.00.

Small in size, yet big in heart, the True North TN10 is all the best in Canadian wood heating technology shrunk down to size. Ideal for heating a smaller area (about the size of a two-car garage), the TN10 packs a punch, ensuring there are no cold spots left in your room.

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When purchasing a wood heater, the size of your room is a critical consideration. If you select a heater that is too big for your room, you will overheat the room and that can be extremely uncomfortable. This is where the TN10 comes in. With a maximum heat output of 100m², you won’t overheat your room no matter how small it is. And all this is done cleanly and efficiently, with emissions as low as 1.2g and your efficiency at 64%, this is one clean, smart heater. This is aided by the four secondary air tubes, which provide fantastic flame patterns. All of this leads to a brilliant overnight burn, despite its small firebox.


While the TN10 is a brilliant unit on its own, there are ways to improve the efficiency of your new wood heater, especially in a new home. In an air-tight home, your wood heater would normally struggle to breathe, as it cannot get enough oxygen to feed the fire. This is where the Outside Air Intake comes in, bringing in fresh air from the outside into your fire, keeping well oxidized without bringing in air from the room. With a traditional flue kit, 8% of the heat your heater produces is lost through the flue. But with Pivot’s Insulated Room Sealed Flue Kit, that heat stays in the room, which saves you wood and keeps you warmer for longer. Combining the Outside Air Intake with Pivot’s Room Sealed Flue Kit creates a fully airtight system for your wood heater that belts out the heat without sacrificing air loss at any part of the process.


With its wide air slider (225mm!), four secondary air tubes and impressive specifications, True North has managed to pack a whole lot into the tiny TN10! You know what they say, good things come in small packages.


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Heating Capacity

120m² – 150m²


654mm x 542mm x 378mm

Rear clearance to combustible


Side clearance to combustible


Corner clearance to combustible


Clearance to non-combustible


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